Wednesday, December 31, 2008


If you're anything like me, your life saw its share of triumphs and shortfalls. I like to think that, at the end of the year, I am able to look back over my life and see more successes than failures. That said, there are a few key areas that I really want to focus my self-improvement energies.

I need to do better about taking charge of my health and my eating. No more of this eating on the run stuff. I feel like crap and am starting look like I feel. Uh-uh. I'm much too cute for all of that! I also need to focus more on saving more of what I make. I do put money back, but I need to get focused on regaining my debt-free status. In order to do that, I must back away from the sales racks. Finally, I need to regain my peace of mind in terms of dropping off the remaining toxic relationships I have been holding onto. I can't change people. That is not my job. Some I will have to love from a distance and leave them and their nonsense on the other side of the street. I know I can't conquer every area simultaneously, so these are my starting points. When one goal is reached, I will add another to the list.

I know better, so I resolve to DO BETTER!

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