Thursday, July 10, 2008

Confession Time

I have a confession to make.

Ssshh! Come closer!

I'm going to vote for Barack Obama.

I know, I know. If you know me at all you're wondering what happened to turn this staunchly conservative chick into "one of them." Well, first and foremost, I am still conservative in my thinking. I just don't like dirty politics.

From the beginning of all this, my guy was Mike Huckabee. He matched my views on pretty much everything. Had he been the presumptive Republican nominee, he would've been my guy. Sorry to any Obama supporters. It is what it is.

Now don't get me wrong. I am not jumping headlong onto the Democratic bandwagon; no, not by a long shot. I still am for privatizing Social Security and the definition of marriage being one man and one woman. I also think abortion is wrong and immoral, although I don't believe in legislating morality. I am all for conservative principles. I just can't bring myself to even fathom the idea of John McCain. I. just. can't. Besides, he creeps me out. He looks like he is a comic strip character. And those short arms. Eeewww. Other than the physical, I do not like that he tends to be a more "liberal" Republican. Either be liberal or be conservative, will ya! Plus, I'm just so disappointed in our current administration that anyone who is even closely related makes me cringe.

I will admit it. I voted for "W" twice. The first time was to avoid having Al Gore and the second was because John Kerry seemed to be willing to give away the farm in an attempt to make friends out of people who have no intention of being friends. A great way to get a hug and a stake in your back at the same time, JK. No, thank you. I was willing to take my chances with the "dumb" guy. True, "W" was not even close to my ideal candidate, but he did have the "crazy" factor that we all needed after 9/11. *sigh*

1 comment:

thehumbletruth said...

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