Thursday, July 17, 2008

Stupid Black Men

That's the title of the new book by Larry Elder. Do you remember him? He has a conservative radio program based out of LA, but also used to be the "judge" on the show, "Moral Court". The title is a bit of a misnomer, though, because the book is not specifically targeting black men, but could actually be applied to people of all racial backgrounds and both genders.

I have to say that I originally selected the book because of the title. I mean, here was an obviously black man calling other black men stupid. What was really going on? I couldn't wait to get home to read it. In a nutshell, it talked about the ways media outlets, talking heads such as Jesse and Al, et al have gotten black people in a place of complacency. To the point that many black people think they are entitled to something in life simply for being black and not for working hard. Okay, I see that mentality while working as an educator. He also goes on to make the point that not everything is racial. I agree with that, too.

Overall, I admit to liking this book. I agree with most of the points he made, but then again, I am also a pretty conservative thinker. I still don't get the whole title thing, but I guess that's part of the genius here. It certainly catches attention and causes it to stand out among all of the new releases.

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