A really close family member has a teenage daughter who is pregnant. The daughter just turned 16 and is very happy about it. The family's emotions have run the gamut, everything from shock and outrage to devastation, particularly since the girl admitted that she had indeed chosen to get pregnant so she could have someone to love her.
By all accounts (except hers, I guess), this child has been well-loved her entire life. What was it that could possibly have been missing? How could she possibly feel that bringing a baby into the mix would be the answer?
The girl I'm talking about comes from a good family. So does the boy. They have parents that are active in the church and in the community. The parents-to-be are very plugged in to their church youth groups. The Word has been firmly planted into them. Yet, they are still going to be teen-aged parents. Statistics. What happened here, and how do we address these issues in our community? And when I say our community, please do not think for a minute that I'm talking about race.
Maybe we need to open good, honest, dialogue here so we can address these issues before they crop up in our spheres of influence.
Have you ever been in the situation these two teens are in?
Have you ever felt you were unloved and, therefore, wanted to have a child to fill the void?
If you have been in this situation, was it really a feeling of wanting love or something else?
Knowing what you know now, what do you wish someone had told you as a teenager?
Do you feel the Church has a responsibility to address teen issues and sex in youth groups?
If yes, how do you feel the Church should go about meeting these needs?
Anything else on this issue you're wanting to add?
Feel free to comment on this post (and any of the others) with thoughts you may have on this subject, as I honestly feel we need to get to the bottom of this issue.
I think that the church should address this issue because it has the power to really make a difference.
While I am on the subject of the church, I also feel that the church has a responsibility to address the AIDS epidemic and the alarming infection rate.
It makes me sad when teenage girls have to create a life to feel validated and yet this practice is almost commonplace. I wish I had a solution....
MrsSaditty, thanks for responding. I agree that the church should take a more active role in addressing the issue of teen sexuality. I know people expect the parents to lead the way with their kids, but far too often, that is not happening. If parents aren't teaching them and the church is not teaching them, then the only place left is the world for teaching them these valuable lessons.
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