A guy tried to run my cousin down yesterday. He was on a horse.
Let me repeat that. He was ON. A. HORSE!
No, they were not on a ranch or even in a field. She was getting out of the car to return to her apartment. She doesn't have covered parking and had to park a little ways from her actual unit. Out of nowhere, a guy came charging toward her at full gallop. When she quickly moved out of the way, he turned the horse around and came at her again! It was then that she realized the guy was trying to run her down. She took off running and screaming toward her apartment. She dashed through parked cars and changed direction several times to hold him at bay. Finally, she got to her unit where she beat on the door for her son to open it. It was like something out of a movie from what I hear. The guy, laughing about it, came charging full speed toward her again and jumped the curb and into her breezeway just as her son opened the door. She lives on the first floor and she and her son had to, literally, push the horse's head out of the doorway to get it shut! The police was finally called, but the guy rode off before they got there.
Da hell you say??! She should have shot the guy AND the horse for all of that foolishness and mayhem!
Well, maybe not the horse! But definitely the guy. Definitely!
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