Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Conspiracy Theories

There is a buzz afoot about impeaching the current administration. Many people cite the "lie" about I.raq having weapons. of. mass. destruction when they really had none. Hmmm. You might think that's a valid solution to today's problem, and I won't entertain the arguments for or against too much right now, but I do think the logic behind this is a little faulty. For one, I actually believe they DID/STILL DO have them.

I know what you're thinking, but go with me on this one a minute.

First, why WOULDN'T they have them? Remember when I.raq was at war with I.ran? At the time, I.ran was our public enemy number one, right? So, if you have two countries at war-- one of those being our enemy of the day-- why wouldn't we have taken steps to support them with arms? You know the saying: "An enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I believe they had them and they got them from us. Fast forward to today. If you have an administration justifying a war, they can't very well say, "We're going to go over Country X and strip them of all the W.M.D.'s they have that we sold to them, and we're going to need you all to finance it." No, that wouldn't go over very well. Not at all.

Instead, there had to be another way around it. How about this: give the U.N. inspectors months and months to fart around while being blocked at the gates, particularly after a leader of a country stated they'd allow them in. Hmmmm. Did it occur to no one that they may have been using that time to hide them or even move them into S.yria? I heard on alternative radio reports of satellite images of convoys going into S.yria, but that info never made mainstream media for some reason (Ha!) and was seemingly forgotten. So, of course none were found. They had months to move them! Since the inspectors couldn't get in for those months and months, we could justify defiance and probable guilt. Ding!Ding!Ding! Instant support to go over and do what we really wanted to do, even though we knew we'd have to deal with the W.M.D. problem later. Eventually, it would blow over as so many other things had in previous administrations. Yeah, right!

I think that, more than anything, this administration is guilty of groupthink similar to what happened with the Bay of Pigs incident. No one close to the president was willing to say, "Hey, this is not a good idea" or "With all due respect, you're forgetting to look at this." Oh, well, one person was--Colin Powell-- and he had to G-O... with the quickness. Instead, it looks like we have a lot of yes men (and women) in Washington who are saying, "Yeah, looking good. Oh, we can deal with all that after the fact." Yeah, well, welcome to today's problems. Thanks a lot!

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