Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Write the Vision

The Bible instructs us to "write the vision and make it plain." Yes, I understand that it is talking about writing down prophetic visions, but studies show that we are more likely to follow through on our goals if we write them down. Memories are forgotten over time, but when we put our dreams into writing, they become much more than thoughts. They become real, tangible.

For a long time-- much longer than I care to mention-- I've considered writing a book. I am the consummate storyteller. Not a story teller as in liar, but someone who knows how to deliver a good tale. The thing that makes my stories seem so fascinating to people is that they are actually TRUE! I guess truth really is stranger than fiction.

I always thought I'd write non-fiction first. I have thought of chronicling my many years of struggling with infertility, and the events that finally led to me receiving my miracles (in the form of twins). I also thought about writing a book of encouragement for people struggling through it right now. I wanted to use short case studies of the many people I know who are currently going through and/or have gone through their own fertility challenges. I wanted to record the paths they took to either see the fulfillment of their dreams, make the decision to keep trying, or make the painful choice to walk away from treatment and forge a different path. Or I could write a book retelling hilarious (and sometimes shocking) events I witnessed during the time I worked for a local law enforcement agency. And I can't forget the gazillion noteworthy moments that are forever etched into my brain from being an educator. The reality is that I have lots of stories to tell. Still, I often hear myself saying, "Oh, I'll do that someday" and go on about my business. Someday has always seemed a long way off.

Or so I thought.

While I was writing the post about salience yesterday, I had originally recounted an experience I had when we first moved from the city to the suburbs. After typing it, I instantly knew that the story was meant to be the beginning of my book. I am going to write a semi-autobiographical novel. It will be fiction, but based upon true events.

I am writing the vision. I am the Thinking Princess, and I am going to write a novel. I am going to write a novel. I AM GOING TO WRITE A NOVEL. My someday begins today.

1 comment:

T.Kay said...

Wow! That is HUGE! All the best on your endeavours. It sounds to me like a passion, something you NEED to get out of your system! Crank that novel out diva, crank it out!